Radiology Diversity & Inclusion Initiative


Internal Funding Opportunities

Diversity Initiative for Equal Technology Access
The Department of Radiology is proud to announce a new initiative to provide resources for trainees who face financial and technological constraints that impair their ability to conduct research work from home. Stanford undergraduate students, Stanford graduate students and Stanford funded postdoctoral fellows who are conducting research work under supervision of a Stanford Radiology faculty and who do not have adequate computer access from their home can apply for a Stanford Radiology funded Mac laptop. This solicitation is not for visiting researchers and not for clinical Radiology trainees who are already receiving technical support through their clinical divisions. We ask everyone to be mindful of applying only in case of a true financial hardship. This initiative should support our team members who are not able to attain computer support through any other means with the goal to provide equal technology access for everyone in our community. The laptops will belong to and will eventually be returned to Stanford after the trainee completed their research at Stanford Radiology.
McCormick and Gabilan Research Award
This award supports research activities of faculty in all tracks, including clinician educators, who are within 7 years of their first faculty appointment at the time the award is initiated. The award supports general research activities and is open to women pursuing advancement, or to men or women who support the advancement of women in medicine and/or medical research.
Global Development Conferences and Events
The Stanford King Center on Global Development invites proposals from Stanford faculty for conferences or other events on topics relevant to global development. Center staff will be able to assist with conference planning and logistics and can reserve in-house conference room space based on room availability.

OIA Exploration Fund 2020 Call for Proposals
This call for proposals is intended to provide funds for faculty to pursue new or existing international research goals. The purpose of the fund is to help faculty expand their international network of researchers through early-stage research projects.


Diversity NIH Grants

New administrative supplement programs to promote research continuity and retention

(NOT-OD-20-054 and NOT-OD-20-055) for investigators during critical life events such as childbirth, adoption, and primary caregiving. Each targets a career stage or transition where women’s careers are especially vulnerable. One program will provide support to recipients of individual mentored career development (K) awards, and the other will help first-time recipients of eligible NIH Research Project Grant awards. For instructions on how to apply, see and

Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

Additional funds may be awarded as supplements to parent awards from the NIH with the goal to improve the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting and supporting students, postdoctorates, and eligible investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research.

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Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide support for New Investigators: (1) from diverse backgrounds, including from groups nationally underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research to conduct small research projects in the scientific mission areas of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and (2) who at the time of award under this FOA will have/have had less than $125,000 direct cost of combined research funding (excluding NIH training and NIH career awards).

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Research to Understand and Inform Interventions that Promote the Research Careers of Individuals in the Biomedical Sciences (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Administrative supplements for junior scientists who need to juggle family commitments and their first time NIH grants. The supplement may be used to support additional personnel, computational services, supplies, and equipment that will promote the continuity of the career development research project during a period in which the PD/PI experiences critical life events which have the potential to impact research progress or potential productivity.

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Training Modules to Enhance the Rigor, Reproducibility and Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Data Science Research (R25 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
National Library of Medicine
Application Receipt Date(s): June 19, 2020 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. All types of applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due on these dates.

All of Us Research Program

Women in Science

NCI Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity (K01)

Surgical Disparities Research

Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children

NCI Transition Career Development Award to Promote Diversity (K22)
